My relationship with the camera began when I was probably 4 or 5 years old. At that time, the most interesting thing I could do with it was to activate the flash and listen to its noise and see the light. Remember those old cameras with independent flash units?
Fast forward to the early two thousands, I got an artificial eye and my true adventures with sight began. Thanks to them, I was usually behind the camera but have also spent a considerable time at the business end of the camera. when it came to being featured in movies, the news etc. The movies have been this Ephemeral world where nothing is as it seems and editing can do everything. I have wondered much about angles of light, soft light, lenses and their characteristics and the whole idea of knowing which scene “looks good”.
Things have come full circle today. Sacheta has released her first movie..
I saw it all, the concept, the framing, the props, the agony of inadequate technology, the several days spent in editing and her struggles with a touch screen, magnification and everything else.
The triumph of the final product and here we are with a movie under her belt and me acting in it?
My sense of wonder continues to grow and yet, I am one step closer to a sense of understanding or is it just the beginning of the journey?